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This page shows what people have said about me in previous years.


Endorsed By Larry Bartlebort

Former Director Wyoming Veterans Division

Bill Winney has testified at countless hearings for military and veterans issues. He continually supports protecting veterans and military benefits. I heartily endorse him for the Wyoming House. 

In this picture Larry Bartlebort is in the rear, right side. Governor Mead is signing legislation affecting veterans and military families.



Endorsed by the NRA

Political Victory Fund

The NRA's PAC has endorsed me for Wyoming House District 22. The Rating is A(Q).



Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association

The Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association and Convenience Store Association (WPMA) endorses Bill Winney for House District 22. When considering a candidate for endorsement, WPMA takes into consideration many elements. Primarily, the candidate must demonstrate that they are prepared to take on the difficult task of crafting the laws of the state and implementing a budget that fits within the appropriate role of government and the Constitution. 

Bill Winney has been observing and participating in the legislature for over twelve years in a voluntary capacity and has honed skills and knowledge uncommon of most candidates and even current legislators. He has been honored for his participation by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House. The fact that Bill was responsible for budgets the size of Wyoming's while serving in the U.S. Navy in the Pentagon and as a nuclear submarine Captain, further reflects the training and experience "Captain" Winney represents. He will hit the ground running if elected. 

A second quality that WPMA observes in Winney that sets him apart from his opponent is his conservative values in concert with common sense and a deep love of Wyoming. Bill is pragmatic about programs that deliver "quality of life" impacts on the state and our future such as education, health care and his insistence on the state being good environment stewards of our natural resources. 

Importantly, Bill recognizes that, while he has extensive experience, he is seeking to run for office representing ALL constituents in HD-22 and that "You never know where the good ideas come from," all voices matter. WPMA has long supported those legislators that focus on the issue at hand and its potential impact on their constituents, the District and the state. Wyoming has far too many legislators that have signed pledges on many topics that bind that legislator’s vote without care or consideration of the constituents they represent. Bill Winney has "pledged" to engage his constituents and listen to every aspect of pending legislation and not be bound by pledges to special interest, self-serving, myopic organizations.

Bill Winney is tested, experienced, open-minded, and dedicated to HD-22. With the state facing unprecedented times with COVID-19 and the decay of the extractive minerals markets, voters must send a State Representative that reflects the values of the district who is a recognized voice in policy development. Bill Winney has earned our endorsement and we urge your vote in November. Please support and vote for Bill Winney for House District 22.  

 Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association and Convenience Store Association

Mark Larson, Executive Vice President

(307) 632-1516

Susan Riggs, Daniel, Wy

FaceBook Post

"Folks. This guy is the real deal. We need him. Thanks for running Bill and you have my vote!!!"

Someone Scribbled on a Sign


A friend added "Bulldog" to his yard sign...

This is eaxctly what the people of HD-22 need in Cheyenne to handle Wyoming's money problems...

Louise's comment: "You can be..."

Thank you good friend.



Facebook Post

Bob Bragg

5th Generation Wyoming Family

Hoback Junction, 24 September 2020

House District 22 Election. November 3, 2020.
My Candidate of Choice- Bill Winney -
Bill’s Recent Mailing came thru Loud and Clear to me as a Constitutional Conservative Republican. Balanced Budget is a necessity as our Wyoming Constitution requires it.
Wyoming’s Savings being depleted, Loss of revenue from Coal, reductions in unnecessary expenditures and no State Income tax is a hard ride to hoe. But it can be done by line item work on expenditures. He also talked about our future. Education. Whether that is industrial or College we still have to get our kids thru High School so they are qualified for further education. This takes quality, qualified, and engaged teachers and school staff. This must be funded.
Our Market decay and economic decline cannot be wished away by holding our breath over minerals. Only by diversification can we weather this storm that some call the new normal.
I trust Bill Winney to work on and thru these issues. I ask for your vote along with mine for him to be elected to House District 22 in Wyoming.


Letter of Support

La Velle Van Voast

Cheyenne, Wy

I support Bill Winney as candidate for the House District 22 House seat in Sublette County. Bill acquired a great deal of experience while serving in the United States Navy and he uses the knowledge and skills from his professional career as he serves as a volunteer who attends the Wyoming legislative sessions. 

I most admire Bill for his selfless commitment and dedication to the state of Wyoming as a resident, volunteer, and speaking up in Public Comment in front of committees. I met Bill during the legislative sessions and observed his tireless efforts to speak out in various committees about the issues that matter most to him.  He is an excellent example of a concerned and caring Wyoming resident. 

Over these past two years, the public and I have had the opportunity to observe Bill’s dedication to the great state of Wyoming. His honest, pragmatic, and hopeful insight into our state’s problems and needs, and his willingness to examine the issues and listen closely during legislative committee meetings, sets him far apart from other candidates' expected techniques and talk.  I am writing today, with proud enthusiasm, to express my support for his campaign as a candidate for the Wyoming House of Representatives and my intention to spread word to others of the value of his policies and abilities.


La Velle Van Voast

Resident, Cheyenne, WY

Note: La Velle Van Voast is a woman I crossed paths frequently with as I attended our legislature's sessions and committee hearings. She is a long time observer and keen critic of those who speak in Committee Hearings. Her words of support are gratefully appreciated.

Bill Winney

Rep Piiparinen Posted this on my FB page this afternoon.

August 17th, 2020

I have always admired Bill Winney for his attendance at the legislative sessions. He can always be found attending a committee meeting or in the legislative gallery. He attends on his own dime and testifies on a variety of issues. That says a lot. He is very respectful and thoughtful in his testimony. Bill Winney is to be complimented for his participation in the legislative process.

Garry Piiparinen, State Representative HD-49, Republican

...And thank you very much for your time and thoughtfulness over the years. Bill Winney







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